Trends & Updates In Aesthetic Dermatology
151951519515195Aesthetic DermatologyUpdates on Technique Can we deliver the same results safely with a cannula as we historically have with needles? The question whether a cannula or a needle should be chosen for dermal filler injections does not have a straightforward answer. Injection techniques and location, as well as cannulas and needles have to be used in a patient specific manner. Over the last 5 years, practitioners have …
Aesthetic Dermatology
Avoiding Pitfalls in Clinical and Pathological Correlation (CPC)
152021520215202Clinical Pathological Correlation (CPC)Histologic evaluation of tissue can often be an essential partner to the clinical evaluation in reaching an accurate diagnosis of skin disease. However, clinical pathologic correlation is key for this partnership to be helpful. At ODAC 2022, Dr. Olayemi Sokumbi, dermatologist and dermatopathologist extraordinaire, highlighted this challenge with striking cases demonstrating potential pitfalls and …
Clinical Pathological Correlation (CPC)
Legal Issues in Aesthetic Dermatology: What Dermatologists Should Know
148791487914879Aesthetic DermatologyNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference, interviewed Dr. Mathew M. Avram  (Director of the Mass General Dermatology Laser & Cosmetic Center and Director of Dermatologic Surgery at MGH, as well as Faculty Director for Procedural Training in Harvard Medical School's Dermatology Department), who discusses potential legal situations that may ari …
Aesthetic Dermatology
Superficial Chemical Peels | Expert Pearls
151731517315173chemical peelChemical peels are the third most commonly performed noninvasive cosmetic procedure in the United States, with over 1 million peels performed annually. Peels can treat a variety of skin conditions including acne, conditions of hyperpigmentation, and skin irregularities from chronic sun damage.  Multiple peels on a repeated basis are usually necessary to obtain optimal results. The frequency of …
chemical peel
Top Scar Minimization Pearls with Dr. Joel L. Cohen
148811488114881scar minimizationNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference, interviewed ODAC Co-Chair Dr. Joel L. Cohen (Board-Certified Dermatologist, Fellowship-trained in Mohs Surgery, Lasers, and Cosmetic Dermatology), who shares how to evaluate different types of scars and the tools available for treatment. Watch as he provides examples from his practice and offers options fo …
scar minimization