Derm In-Review

I Wish I Had Known: Studying for the Boards
744744744boards studyingStudying for the boards can be an incredibly stressful and daunting time. The Board exam is really a culmination of three years of intense dermatology training. You have been preparing for this exam throughout your entire residency. The weeks or months before the exam should be used as final preparation to review concepts or areas that you are rusty on or never properly learned. Be comfortable wit …
boards studying
Tips For Preparing For The Certifying Examination (Part 2 Of 2)
742742742preparing boardsIn this second article in this series, we will take a further look at some tried and true methods for preparing yourself for “The Boards.” 1) Dermatology is a visual medical specialty One of the great challenges of our specialty is that different conditions can look similar, and the same condition can look different (or “atypical”) across anatomic sites and populations. Many of the quest …
preparing boards
Resources for Dermatology Board Studying
741741741Studying for the dermatology boards is a stressful task that can feel daunting at times. However, residents need not fear; with the proper resources and good study habits you can feel well-prepared for this exam. There are a plethora of resources devoted to the dermatology boards. The AAD meetings provide MOC courses to help dermatologists prepare for re-certification. These courses are compris …
Tips for Preparing for the Certifying Examination (Part 1 of 2)
740740740certifying examinationWhen preparing yourself for “The Boards,” there are many things to take into consideration. Read on in to learn tried and true tips that will help you on your road to passing the exam. And embarking on your career as a certified dermatologist. 1) This is a marathon, not a race – start preparing early The accumulation of knowledge for the Certifying Examination is meant to take place over t …
certifying examination
Last Minute Study Tips for the Boards
738738738When it comes to board exams, there is one important thing to remember for success: You don't just need to learn material, you have to synthesize it. Medical journals and literature are tricky and require creative thinking and applied problem solving in order to fully understand; that's why synthesis is so important. This could mean building tables, compiling figures and small chunks of data... wh …