Taking Rejuvenation Beyond the Skin
Regenerative Medicine Aesthetics – Mind-Body & Skin

367136713671Having a background in internal medicine, biomedical tissue engineering and regenerative medicine while also maintaining a strong interest in yoga, Ayurveda, and Siddha medicine has helped me appreciate the skin in a new light, as a beautiful organ capable of regeneration through various wound healing pathways. I see the skin as an organ that covers the embodiment of energy which is the human body …
Generational DermatologyTM Symposium: Why attend?
349734973497Generational Dermatology In dermatology, crafting the perfect treatment plan for your patient takes more than a correct diagnosis. It encompasses prevention and involves medical, cosmetic, surgical and oncologic strategies over the decades to optimize skin performance throughout the course of a lifetime. Coined by Dr. Wendy Roberts, the Generational DermatologyTM approach was originally targeted to interrupt the e …
Generational Dermatology
January JDD Highlights
339033903390A Multi-Center, Open-Label, Prospective Study of Cannula Injection of Small-Particle Hyaluronic Acid Plus Lidocaine (SPHAL) for Lip Augmentation assesses the safety and effectiveness associated with the use of a blunt-tipped microcannula for lip augmentation and correction of perioral rhytids using a small-particle, hyaluronic acid gel plus lidocaine   Educating men about available aes …
Addressing the Age Old Concern of Aging
312931293129sts-wall-sized agingIn the initial mental construct of the practice I was most concerned that I would not have enough patients to remain open.  The focus in the initial steps of the practice were staff, and location.  We had to review EMR and Practice Management systems, computers, tablets, network and internet access.  The other systems in the practice were phones, and the logistics of staff responsibilities and …
sts-wall-sized aging
The Fascinating World of Regenerative Medicine and Regenerative Anti- Aging
315731573157Regenerative The human body is equipped with fascinating pathways for inflammation and autoregulation self-healing. Newer advances and understanding in the field of cellular and stem cell science as well as biomaterial science have put forth a new and expanding branch of clinical medicine; Regenerative Medicine. Regenerative medicine concepts have newly picked up momentum not only in researching and establi …