Skincare Mondays | Improving Quality of Life for Eczema Patients
168711687116871eczemaAtopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic skin condition characterized by pruritus, inflammation, and acute flare-ups of eczematous lesions over dry skin.1 The wide range of clinical manifestations, the visible nature of the disease, and the intense itching significantly affects patients’ quality of life.2  Up to 80% of children with AD experience sleep disturbances.3 Sixty-seven percent of children …
Severe Psoriasis Presenting in 3-Year-Old Child With Nail Dystrophy: Response to Biologic Treatment
168471684716847psoriasisPsoriasis, a chronic inflammatory skin condition, affects about 2% of children. A small subset have isolated nail involvement refractory to topical treatment that can be disabling. The development of targeted biologic agents offers safe, effective options for children with moderate-to-severe skin and nail disease. A few are now Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved for children. INTRODUCTIO …
Translating Psoriasis Guidelines into Practice
168431684316843psoriasis guidelinesBefore we dive into our discussion, let’s outline the Guideline-Based Approach to Treatment Selection. The International Psoriasis Council has divided psoriasis treatment classification into 2 groups: Patients who are a candidate for topical therapy, or Patients who are a candidate for systemic therapy Candidates for systemic therapy must meet at least 1 of the following …
psoriasis guidelines
The Utility or Lack Thereof of Skin Cancer Screening
156621566215662skin cancer screeningDr. Vishal Patel (Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Director of the Cutaneous Oncology Program at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences) gave a thought-provoking talk at the 2022 ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic & Surgical Conference about something we do nearly every day as dermatologists – full body skin exams. He started by reviewing the rising epidemic of sk …
skin cancer screening
Top Strategies for Treating Warts: Combo Wins the Day!
149851498514985wartsNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference, interviewed Dr. Adam Friedman (Professor and Chair of Dermatology who serves as Residency Program Director, Director of Translational Research, and Director of the Supportive Oncodermatology Program in the GW Department of Dermatology) about why a "mean" approach is most effective when treating warts. Watc …