Top 3 Tips for Performing Nail Biopsies
149331493314933nail biopsiesNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference, interviewed Dr. Molly Hinshaw (who is board certified in Dermatology and Dermatopathology, and directs the Nail Clinic at UWHealth in Madison, WI) about nail biopsies. Watch as she offers advice to her fellow dermatologists on preparing themselves (as well as their staff and patients) before this procedure …
nail biopsies
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Management of Melanoma: Answers to Four Key Questions
157841578415784artificial intelligence (AI)Admittedly, it took me a while to get over the fear of an artificial intelligence (AI) “apocalypse”, which likely developed after my older brother forced me to repeatedly watch “The Terminator” at the tender age of seven. Through an extensive dive into the literature and numerous lectures by Dr. Vishal A. Patel, I’ve since realized the applicability and patient benefit of AI in dermatolo …
artificial intelligence (AI)
Chronic Pruritus: How to Tailor Management Based on Underlying Cause and Patient Needs
157281572815728chronic pruritusWow! The ODAC Dermatology Conference in January 2022 highlighted the importance of conference attendance and the need for expert lectures on clinically relevant dermatologic topics.  We are in an era when basic sciences and translational research has direct correlation and impact on our therapeutic measures for patients. While it is refreshing to have so many options for patients’ treatment, it …
chronic pruritus
The Many Faces of Rosacea | Part 2
158481584815848rosaceaOur new series, "The Many Faces of", will showcase side-by-side images of some of the most commonly seen dermatology conditions in an array of skin tones and briefly highlight nuances in clinical presentation.  All images featured in the series are part of The Full Spectrum of Dermatology: A Diverse and Inclusive Atlas, a resource developed by co-editors Misty Eleryan, MD, MS, and Adam Friedman, …
Hormonal Treatment of Acne: Work up, Indications, & Guidelines
157031570315703Hormonal treatment of acneDr. Diane Thiboutot, Professor of Dermatology at The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, gave a practical talk at the 2022 ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference about hormonal treatment of acne. Dr. Thiboutot discussed the hormonal work up, indications for hormonal treatment, and guidelines for choosing a therapy, including oral contraceptives. Hormonal Workup for Ac …
Hormonal treatment of acne