Wound Care Series – Part 1 Why Aren’t Dermatologists More Involved in Wound Care?
409840984098Wound CarePART 1 Why Aren’t Dermatologists More Involved in Wound Care? My time doing wound healing research has shown me not only the gaps in the literature, but also the deficit of dermatologists involved in wound care. One would think that our expertise in caring for the integument would automatically translate into eminence when it comes to the treatment of injuries. However, involvement of dermatol …
Wound Care
Acne treatment: The New, the Old, and the Controversial
408240824082Next Steps Correspondent, Dr. Bridget Kaufman, reports on Dr. Hilary Baldwin’s acne lecture presented at the 2018 Skin of Color Seminar Series (now the Skin of Color Update) and shares important clinical pearls every dermatologist should know. During her 20-minute lecture titled, Out with the Old, In with the New: Acne Treatments that No Longer Work, Dr. Hilary Baldwin delved into acne treat …
Skin Cancer Detection and Treatments in Latino Patients
403940394039During the 2018 Skin of Color Seminar Series (now the Skin of Color Update), Dr. Maritza Perez, one of the foremost leaders in skin of color dermatology, took attendees inside the world of the U.S. Hispanic population shedding light on the sociological diversity, cultural lifestyle hazards, and the healthcare disparities that increases their risk of deadly melanomas. Many Hispanics believe erroneo …
Complexities of Managing Inflammatory Diseases – A Case-Based Review (Dr. Friedman’s ODAC lecture)
401640164016It’s time for a review of Dr. Adam Friedman’s presentation, “Complexities of Managing Inflammatory Diseases,” which was another one of the popular lectures from ODAC 2018. This lecture was case-based and full of helpful pearls. So let’s get to it! CASE #1: 70-year-old female with red, pruritic “rash” involving her face, trunk, and extremities for several months. The rest of her hi …
What role should physician extenders play in diagnosing skin cancer?
399939993999Late last year, a piece in the New York Times brought together several politically charged issues in our specialty and thrust them into the national spotlight. Katie Hefner and Griffin Palmer’s “Skin Cancers Rise, Along With Questionable treatments” sought to investigate the ethics behind diagnosing and treating skin cancer. The scope of the article was actually quite broad, touching on the …