Trends in Atopic Dermatitis Management:
Comparison of 1990-1997 to 2003-2012

368036803680superpotentBack by popular demand, Dr. Steven Feldman, Professor of Dermatology, Pathology and Public Health joins host Dr. Adam Friedman from GW School of Medicine to review his recent database dive entitled "Trends in Atopic Dermatitis Management: Comparison of 1990-1997 to 2003-2012." What new trends, both good and bad, have emerged? What can we expect and hope for the future of AD care? What tricks of th …
Growing Your Hair Practice: The ONE Channel You Should Focus On
362236223622Grow Your Hair Practice Hair loss crosses the generations. It is probably one of the least discussed diagnoses because there is a shame effect. Often times, people also feel discouraged because they have probably used countless OTC treatments which promised to make their grow hair but failed to work. A patient of mine once told me: “I’m so glad you encouraged me to talk about my hair loss. I would have nev …
Grow Your Hair Practice
Dupilumab in the Treatment of Dyshidrosis: A Report of Two Cases of Dyshidrotic Eczema
995199519951[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dyshidrotic eczema (dyshidrosis) primarily appears on the palms and soles and is often difficult to treat. In this Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) case report, we look at two successfully treated unique cases of recalcitrant dyshidrotic eczema (dyshidrosis). This article was written by Gillian K. Weston MD, Jette Hooper, Bruce E. Strober MD PhD and publish …
Why Generational Dermatology?
351235123512Generational Dermatology Simply put, it’s better for the patient because we are proactively and routinely mitigating future risks for them. Also, overall and long-term it is a more economically sound approach for our healthcare system. Dermatologists are experts in the skin, hair and nails not just throughout the course of an individuals’ life but perfectly positioned for the entire family's lifetime. This …
Generational Dermatology
ODAC Pearls: Hormonal Treatment Options for Acne—Dr. Bethanee Schlosser
347634763476hormonal treatment for acnePEARLS FROM THIS SESSION - collected by Misty Eleryan, MD We must remember that ALL acne is hormonally sensitive in females, so many patients could benefit from some form of hormonal therapy. Patients with hyperandrogenism, late-onset or persistent (greater than age 25yrs), prominence of acne on the lower face and neck, perimenstrual flare, comedonal acne with seborrhea, resistant to “conventio …
hormonal treatment for acne