Patient Buzz Series: Skin Fasting
173781737817378skincareSkin fasting -- the latest trend in caring for the skin – offers a “less is more” approach. The point is to periodically rest the skin from non-essential products as a way of rebalancing the skin’s pH. Skin fasting is also a way to determine which skincare products people actually need. After the rest period, those who are following the skin fasting approach slowly add products back in, an …
Patient Buzz: Dry, Brittle Nails | The Expert Weighs In
172681726817268brittle nailsBustle recently posted an article on tricks to strengthen dry and brittle nails. How should dermatology clinicians counsel their patients who have dry, brittle nails? What nail conditions are sometimes misdiagnosed as dry, brittle nails? For expert advice, I reached out to Molly Hinshaw, MD, professor of dermatology, section chief of dermatopathology and director of the nail clinic at the U …
brittle nails
Patient Buzz Series: Hair Cycling
172261722617226hair cyclingFresh on the heels of the TikTok trend skin cycling is the latest trend hair cycling. While skin cycling is a regimen that rotates between applying skincare products with active ingredients and products with heavy moisturizers, hair cycling is a regimen that rotates between clarifying and hydrating haircare products. Both regimens are intentional routines that incorporate time to rest the skin or …
hair cycling
Treating Hyperpigmentation in Darker Skin Types: The Expert Weighs In
172031720317203hyperpigmentationEssence recently posted an article on how to treat hyperpigmentation on melanated skin. What cosmetic ingredients make the most impact in treating hyperpigmentation in darker skin types? What are the challenges that skin of color poses when treating hyperpigmentation? For expert advice, I reached out to Miami dermatologist Heather Woolery-Lloyd, MD. She will address hyperpigmentation and other …
Treating the “Ozempic Face” with Dermal Fillers
171451714517145ozempic faceINSIDER recently posted an article on so-called "Ozempic Face" and the steps taken to treat a gaunt face after rapid weight loss. How common is “Ozempic Face,” and what’s the best way to treat it? What cautions should dermatologists keep in mind when treating patients who have experienced rapid weight loss? For expert advice, I reached out to Robyn Siperstein, MD, FAAD, a dermatologist …
ozempic face