Your First Year of Private Practice: 4 tips to building a successful business
690690690First year in practiceCongrats! You have made it through years of hard training, passed the boards, and landed your first “real” job! For the majority of new dermatologists, their first job after residency will be in a private practice setting with a one- to two-year guaranteed salary. Below are some key areas to focus on in those early years in order to build a successful practice. 1. Grow your patient base o Wh …
First year in practice
Dates to Remember
209120912091Dates to rememberThe time goes fast and there's lots to do. Make this your one-stop shop for all dates in dermatology! Check the calendar by month for conferences, exam dates and deadlines. January Jan 13-16 Orlando Dermatology Aesthetic and Clinical Conference Miami, FL Jan 13-18 Winter Clinical Dermatology Conference Kohala Coast, HI Jan 17-21 Caribbean Dermatology Symposium Aruba Ja …
Dates to remember
Overbooked and Overextended: How to Avoid Scheduling Nightmares
210721072107Avoid Scheduling NightmaresOne of the pearls of practice management that can make or break the workday, but is never mentioned in a medical textbook, is how to triage patients when your clinic is booked out for an extended time. How do you decide what patients get in sooner and who can wait? Should there be a tier system for scheduling based on urgency? How do you handle cosmetic patients who all want to get in yesterday! D …
Avoid Scheduling Nightmares
Words of Advice on Hiring and Firing
207020702070Staffing advice hiringIf you’ve started a practice, or thought about doing so, you may have developed a checklist: office space, equipment, technology, insurance providers, product lines. And then comes the momentous task of staffing your office. Hiring and firing are two integral parts of both starting and running a practice. It can be extremely challenging to find the right people who will work well for the office …
Staffing advice hiring
Tales from the Office: I forgot my son
125612561256sonOkay, so we all know that patients run late especially the last couple of the day. They also have the best excuses. The best one so far is the appointment we had scheduled yesterday afternoon. The patient was a young teenage boy and his mother was bringing him to his appointment. The mom called in a panic– “We are going to be late, I got halfway to the appointment and realized that my son was …