Top 5 Tips for Successful Interactions with Your Office Staff
684684684Derm StaffRunning your dermatology office smoothly and efficiently is no easy task. Check out these insightful tips for interacting with your office staff. 1. Staff Meetings Set aside designated times for staff meetings. Communication is essential to make this happen. Scheduled team meetings give a platform for your employees and promotes communication so that items are not discussed haphazardly through …
Derm Staff
Tips for Hiring Staff When Starting a Practice
691691691staff hiringPart 1 of 2 in a series If you are starting a practice from scratch, whether or not you have been in another practice initially, one of the most daunting tasks can be to hire staff. After all, there are so many applications and the individuals generally seem great during the interview process! How does one make the final cut or even start the process? Finding Candidates While it is always possi …
staff hiring
I Wish I Had Known: Starting a Solo Dermatology Practice
614614614starting a solo practiceI can speak only for myself on the topic of starting a solo dermatology practice. As an aside, I initially had no interest in starting and running a small medical business. My post-training strengths, or at least my comfortable level of competencies, did not include marketing myself, choosing the right business location, buying all the right supplies, getting the right loans, hiring and firing sta …
starting a solo practice
I Wish I Had Known: Connecting with the Patient
688688688connecting patientThere is one particular “pearl” I’ve learned throughout my career, which in my opinion is one of the most important elements of the doctor/patient relationship: the human touch. Sometimes, this can include the physical “laying of hands” onto a patient as part of an encounter. But in all cases, it means connecting with the patient in a heartfelt, professional and friendly way. Patients w …
connecting patient
10 Steps to a Pleasant Interaction with Your Pediatric Dermatology Patient
689689689pediatric dermatologyThe field of pediatric dermatology is wonderfully rewarding; however children do funny things when they are anxious, scared or sense strangers. The following are 10 tips I suggest to reduce the stress of a pediatric visit for your patients and yourself. Some of these I learned myself, some from mentors. 1. Address the child by their first name Make sure you know how to pronounce the name before …
pediatric dermatology