The Decision to Start a Practice – Part 1
859185918591new dermatology practiceThe dermatology resident finishing his or her training faces many choices and opportunities for practice. This article reflects the experience of a dermatologist in private practice for over 40 years, covering the key issues in the decision-making process that culminates in a functional and desirable office space. Although this process applies primarily to those in private practice, the specifics …
new dermatology practice
How to Build Your Online Media Presence
785678567856Social Media“I read great things about you on Yelp” is something that a chef at a restaurant would normally hear. Unfortunately, this phrase is becoming more and more common in the medical setting. And although most physicians would cringe when hearing that phrase, a recent survey of 1700 adults showed that 63% of respondents would choose to see a physician with a stronger online presence. This trend will …
Social Media
Balancing Your Professional and Personal Lives
583583583Work-Life BalanceAttaining an ideal work-life balance is exceedingly difficult. Clinic priorities are often diametrically opposed to personal goals. Your plans to get to the gym or even home for dinner time with your children after a busy work day may come at the expense of finishing charting, yet if you make more time by seeing fewer patients, your practice may suffer. Dermatologists are fortunate to enjoy high l …
Work-Life Balance
Put a Stop to the Time Suckers in Your Life
750675067506Time ManagementOne thing we know for sure, there’s 24 hours in a day. How you spend that time can make the difference between feeling overwhelmed and drained vs feeling accomplished and fulfilled. It’s all in how you organize and manage your time. The top 5 time suckers are: Inefficiency Organization is the key to maximal efficiency. It’s very important to have a system for everything. I have files for p …
Time Management
Marketing Tips & Tricks for Your Derm Practice
709070907090medical marketingMarketing is in a constant state of change. Google updates their algorithms almost weekly. Social media platforms add new features. Technology provides more innovation. The list goes on and on. A doctor recently asked Risa Goldman Luksa of Goldman Marketing Group, “What has changed in medical marketing over the last year?” In her opinion, below are the 6 biggest changes: SEO (Search En …
medical marketing