acne management plan

Hormonal Treatment of Acne: Work up, Indications, & Guidelines
157031570315703Hormonal treatment of acneDr. Diane Thiboutot, Professor of Dermatology at The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, gave a practical talk at the 2022 ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference about hormonal treatment of acne. Dr. Thiboutot discussed the hormonal work up, indications for hormonal treatment, and guidelines for choosing a therapy, including oral contraceptives. Hormonal Workup for Ac …
Hormonal treatment of acne
Developing a Patient-Centered Acne Management Plan
146641466414664Acne patientOvercoming Barriers to Acne Treatment Adherence There is a wealth of research into the psychology of the acne patient, which may be used to speak with patients more effectively and ultimately lead to better treatment outcomes. Despite the fact that acne has a high emotional impact on patients, adherence to acne treatment plans is surprisingly low (in 1 study, 27% of patients didn’t even fill th …
Acne patient