
A Primer on Chemical Peels – Part I
470647064706Chemical PeelsChemical peeling is one of the oldest resurfacing procedures used in dermatology, and it is still the most popular.  Why the staying power?  For reasons such as, ease of use, versatility, and low cost have helped maintain chemical peels as a cornerstone of the aesthetic repertoire.  In this two-part primer, I’ll review the basics of chemical peels including agents used, techniques and potenti …
Chemical Peels
Dermatology Treatment – Be Prepared for What Your Patients May Ask About
466246624662Do your patients ever ask you about a dermatology treatment or concern that may seem off-the-wall? Chances are they learned about that dermatology treatment or concern in the news. Want to know what your patients are reading about? Here are some recent news articles about dermatology in the consumer press:   Allure: Carbonated water in beauty products  Ear pimples How to …
Acne treatment: The New, the Old, and the Controversial
408240824082Next Steps Correspondent, Dr. Bridget Kaufman, reports on Dr. Hilary Baldwin’s acne lecture presented at the 2018 Skin of Color Seminar Series (now the Skin of Color Update) and shares important clinical pearls every dermatologist should know. During her 20-minute lecture titled, Out with the Old, In with the New: Acne Treatments that No Longer Work, Dr. Hilary Baldwin delved into acne treat …
A New Study Seeks to Define the Role of Genetics and Lifestyle in Acne
391539153915Twins In recent years there has been more and more research published which tries to elucidate the role that genetics, lifestyle and external factors like diet play in the pathogenesis, severity, and response to treatment of acne. One such study written by Amanda Suggs, MD and colleagues appears in the April 2018 issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. To gather data for this unique projec …
Why Generational Dermatology?
351235123512Generational Dermatology Simply put, it’s better for the patient because we are proactively and routinely mitigating future risks for them. Also, overall and long-term it is a more economically sound approach for our healthcare system. Dermatologists are experts in the skin, hair and nails not just throughout the course of an individuals’ life but perfectly positioned for the entire family's lifetime. This …
Generational Dermatology