
Patient Buzz Series: Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Treatments
148101481014810Cosmetic TreatmentsThis month’s Patient Buzz includes articles about the latest minimally invasive cosmetic treatments, or as the Hollywood Reporter calls it, “The new ‘slow’ plastic surgery.” From diamond microdermabrasion to Aquagold for microinfusions to stem cell face lifts, your patients are reading about a lot of different cosmetic treatments in the consumer press. Be prepared for your patients’ …
Cosmetic Treatments
Developing a Patient-Centered Acne Management Plan
146641466414664Acne patientOvercoming Barriers to Acne Treatment Adherence There is a wealth of research into the psychology of the acne patient, which may be used to speak with patients more effectively and ultimately lead to better treatment outcomes. Despite the fact that acne has a high emotional impact on patients, adherence to acne treatment plans is surprisingly low (in 1 study, 27% of patients didn’t even fill th …
Acne patient
Patient Buzz Series: Skincare Ingredients from Your Pantry
146001460014600skincare ingredientsThis month’s Patient Buzz includes articles about the latest trendy ingredients in skincare products, and some of them come from the pantry. Does science support claims that turmeric can improve sun-damaged skin and conditions such as acne, eczema or psoriasis? Can licorice root extract serve as a gentler way to lighten the skin? Be prepared for your patients’ questions by perusing this lis …
skincare ingredients
Skin Conditions in Pediatric & Adolescent Patients with Skin of Color
144331443314433Pediatric Skin ConditionsSprinkled with many clinical pearls, Dr. Candrice Heath gave us an informative, case-based lecture at the 2021 Skin of Color Update: “Skin Conditions Disproportionately Affecting Pediatric & Adolescent Patients with Skin of Color.” Dr. Heath is an Assistant Professor and Director of Pediatric Dermatology at Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University and is active on social media @D …
Pediatric Skin Conditions
Rosacea in Patients with Skin of Color: Not Common, But Certainly Not Rare
142551425514255rosaceaRosacea is defined by facial erythema and telangiectasias, two features that are more difficult to appreciate in patients with skin of color. To refine our ability to diagnose rosacea in all skin types, on day two of the 2021 Skin of Color Update virtual conference, we had an informative, evidence-based lecture, “Recognizing, Diagnosing, and Treating Rosacea in Patients with Skin of Color,” by …