
Dermatology Media Relations: When to Hire an Agency
483848384838media relations and press relations in dermatology and SanovaWorksDermatology Media Relations - Part II So you want to participate in media articles as a means of growing your dermatology practice. Time to call the professionals, right? Not necessarily. Here are three situations when to use a media relations agency and four tactics that you can do on your own. When to use an agency: You’re in a large media market. If you’re in a large metro area, you wil …
media relations and press relations in dermatology and SanovaWorks
5 Ways Media Relations Can Help You Build Your Practice
467246724672media relationsPop quiz: Advertising is the only way to promote a practice. Right?  Wrong. There’s another way to promote your practice in the media without purchasing ads.  Earned media is when a product or service is mentioned or discussed in the news. Participating in print or broadcast interviews is an additional way to promote your practice, and these opportunities most often arise through proactive me …
media relations