
How to Build Your Injectable Business
701701701injectible businessPart 1 of 2 Building a cash-based cosmetic injectable practice is daunting at first because there is so much competition. This three-part series will give you a roadmap for preparing yourself and your practice to be a successful top-tier cosmetic practice. Keep in mind that consistency and patience are crucial for success. Most de novo practices take about five years to develop into thriving cosm …
injectible business
How to Select Which Laser or Light Device to Buy for Your Practice Post Residency
757757757laser lightAfter residency, you might go into solo practice or join a group practice or academic/hospital based dermatology practice. You may find that you want to offer laser therapy to your patients, but aren’t sure where to start to find the best laser. In this article, I provide a few pearls on how to select which laser or light device to buy for your practice post residency. First, wait and see wh …
laser light
I Wish I Had Known: Cosmetic Dermatology
585585585cosmetic dermatologyMy name is Dr. Elliot Battle, I am a cosmetic dermatologist in Washington DC. My advice to every resident and every future dermatologist is to take as much time as you did when you chose medical schools and residency programs to choose the right venue for your future. A lot of my colleagues choose the first job that was offered to them, we have such a broad choice now; from general to cosmetic …
cosmetic dermatology
Drs. Taub and Fried Discuss the Ethics in Cosmetic Derm – How Much is Too Much?
576576576Richard Fried MDWe were asked to talk about ethics and the issue of when too much cosmetic is too much, and how we notice it and how we react to it. I believe that both of us see things in a similar way and that is there is the objective criteria and the gut criteria. For me the objective criteria or when someone comes in with a great deal of obvious augmentation whether it’s full face, whether it’s lip …
Richard Fried MD
Incorporating Cosmetic Procedures into a General Dermatology Practice
662662662Cosmetic ProceduresIt is advisable to visit as many offices as possible during residency training. See how different offices are set-up, request copies of paperwork and consents used (you may also download sample forms from, and talk to the staff about their approach to patients. Which procedures are performed? Do practitioners buy, rent, or lease their equipment? How is the patient flow? Are al …
Cosmetic Procedures