
Skin Rash – Friday Pop Quiz 1/6/23
169531695316953 An 8-month-old boy is brought in by his mother for concerns of a rash that comes and goes for the last few months, primarily on his face and belly. His older brother suffers from asthma and often has a similar rash on the inside of his elbow and behind his knees. The gene most commonly mutated in the photograph is also mutated in which of the following? A.) Palmoplantar keratoderma B.)� …
Raynaud’s Phenomenon- Friday Pop Quiz 10/9
114271142711427Raynaud's phenomenon This 34-year-old woman reports a long history of Raynaud's phenomenon. The only medication she takes is albuterol as needed for exercise-induced asthma. On exam, you notice splinter hemorrhages of the fingernails as well as the pictured findings. Which of the following antibodies is LEAST likely to be positive in this woman? A. Anti-nuclear B. Anti-histone C. Anti-B2 glycoprotein D …
Raynaud's phenomenon