botox complications

Patient Buzz: Eyelid Ptosis from Botulinum Toxin Injections
128601286012860botox ptosisSeveral media outlets have covered the case of a popular blogger who recently experienced eyelid ptosis from botulinum toxin injections. How can dermatologists avoid adverse effects when injecting botulinum toxin? For an expert opinion I contacted Dallas dermatologist Elizabeth Bahar Houshmand, MD, FAAD. What does the scientific literature say about the frequency of eyelid ptosis as an adv …
botox ptosis
Patient Buzz Series: The Rise of DermTok
128161281612816DermTokThis month’s Patient Buzz includes articles about skincare trends made popular on TikTok. From skincare slugging to rice water for hair growth, dermatology content is booming on TikTok. Some dermatologists are embracing the platform -- nicknamed DermTok -- as they use TikTok to debunk skincare myths and share expert advice directly to consumers. Be ready for your patients’ questions about s …