Buccal Mucosa

Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Friday Pop Quiz 5/19/2023
175361753617536 A branch of which of the following nerves is most crucial to anesthetize prior to the excision of this squamous cell carcinoma? A. Auriculotemporal nerve B. Buccal nerve C. Greater auricular nerve D. Inferior alveolar nerve E. Lingual nerve To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here.    Brought to you by our brand partner  …
Buccal Mucosa – Friday Pop Quiz 7/19
746274627462Buccal Mucosa After starting multiple new medications in the past four months a 58 year-old man presented to clinic with a non-painful discoloration on his left buccal mucosa for the past three weeks. He also had a recent sinus infection treated with oral antibiotics. He denied tobacco use, alcohol use, and any dental work in the past three years. Biopsy showed focal hypergranulosis, necrotic keratinocytes, …
Buccal Mucosa