
Key Points in Selecting an Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
730730730EMR TabletPart 1 in a 2 part series One of the most important decisions in any practice is the choice of using an Electronic Medical Record (EMR). Implementing an EMR from the outset is imperative and will enable you to conserve precious office space. This should also be a natural transition from a training/hospital environment for most MDs, as you will have all of your lab results and patient information …
EMR Tablet
Codes for Procedures
727727727Medical Coding\Part 2 of 2 in a series Biopsies One of the most common codes you will use in dermatology is for skin biopsy. In most cases, you should use 11100 for the first biopsy (shave or punch) and 11101 for each additional biopsy. For example, if you perform five biopsies you would bill 11100 and 11101 with a quantity of four for a total of five. When shouldn’t you use these codes? - Use shave remo …
Medical Coding
The 411 on Medical Coding
726726726Medical CodingThe importance of understanding coding cannot be understated. Knowing how to code well will ensure you get paid appropriately for what you do. It will also help you avoid/survive an audit, and make you more efficient at documenting. Unfortunately, coding is complicated and not intuitive. It is something you need to spend time studying and learning; look for sessions at conferences to help you beco …
Medical Coding
I Wish I Had Known: Coding
715715715Medical CodingOne piece of advice If I could give residents one piece of advice it would be to try and understand coding prior to entering into private practice. It of course determines your compensation and I've found with new physicians entering into our practice that it's an area that they don't seem to have much background in. If you are looking for more information regarding coding, you will be able to …
Medical Coding