cosmetic dermatology

What Does Your Aesthetic Eye See?
909490949094Susan Weinkle, MD and Jackie Yee, MDNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference interviewed Drs. Susan Weinkle and Jackie Yee to get their expert opinion on how to train the aesthetic eye. Watch as they share their views from a dermatologist and a plastic surgeon perspective. About Dr. Weinkle Dr. Weinkle is an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Sou …
Susan Weinkle, MD and Jackie Yee, MD
Ask the Expert: Dr. Joshua Zeichner on Cosmetic Dermatology
778577857785Dr. ZeichnerDuring the month of September, Next Steps in Derm Ask the Expert segment gives you access to Dr. Joshua Zeichner, Director of Cosmetic and Clinical Research in Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.  Dr. Zeichner is one of the country's key opinion leaders in treating acne and is an expert in cosmeceuticals and skin care. If you have questions for Dr. Zeichner on any of his area …
Dr. Zeichner
Oral Collagen Supplementation: Hype or Not?
616661666166oral collagen“You are what you eat.” Do you believe that this statement applies to your skin?  What does the gut have to do the skin anyway?  Well, more than we previously thought.  Not only are skin and the GI system similar in that they are 24/7 exposed to the outside world and thus have similar protective and regulatory immune mechanisms, but the skin responds to what we eat!  While this has been a …
oral collagen