dermatology private practice

Pathways after Dermatology Residency: Pros and Cons in Practice Styles
177081770817708The path to becoming a dermatologist is challenging—from years of school, residency, research to ultimately creating a career. But post-residency paralysis could prevent you from knowing what to do with your career. Instead, hear from our experts at ODAC 2023 on general advice for your next steps following residency and more specific pathways, including: Academic Dermatology Fellow …
Choosing Your Career Path After Dermatology Residency: Are You Ready?
149971499714997dermatology residencyAt the 2022 ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic & Surgical Conference, a resident directed series included a panel on choosing your next steps after dermatology residency – Fellowship, Academics, or Private Practice, It’s Decision Time. The panel had an impressive group of dermatologists who answered a series of questions about paving our future paths in dermatology. Here are our panel members, in …
dermatology residency
What to Know Before Signing an Office Lease
144871448714487Office LeaseSigning your first office lease can be an anxiety provoking experience. “Even though I used an attorney, I was still terrified to sign a lease,” said Aanand Geria, MD, a dermatologist in Rutherford, N.J. “It’s one of the biggest decisions you can make.” Even getting to signing day can take longer than anticipated, according to dermatologist Sheila Farhang, MD, who practices in Oro Val …
Office Lease
Position Offerings & Employment Contract Negotiations in Dermatology
129141291412914Dermatology job market and contract negotiationsNew Trends & Changes in Position Offerings & Employment Contract Negotiations in Dermatology At the 2021 ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference, we were fortunate to hear from two top professionals that help dermatologists navigate their career: Kim Campbell, founder of Dermatology Authority, and Ron Lebow, Esq., Senior Counsel in the Health Law practice group at Greenspoon …
Dermatology job market and contract negotiations
Opening a Practice Shortly After Dermatology Training
126621266212662opening a practiceOwning and operating a solo dermatology practice may seem like a business model going the way of the dinosaur, especially with the growing trend of private equity ownership. Yet one early-career dermatologist is embracing practice ownership, and finding a way to open a practice shortly after completing dermatology training. [caption id="attachment_12710" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo cou …
opening a practice