dermatology resident

Selecting the Best Devices When Starting Out
124211242112421devicesI believe one of the most valuable aspects of attending conferences such as ODAC is to “fill in the gaps” in important topics that are often missing in our regular dermatology training. While US dermatology residency programs provide the foundation for providing the highest level of dermatologic care to our patients, they are often lacking in teaching the business side of medicine and practica …
JDD January 2021 Issue Highlights: From COVID-19 Vaccine to Facial Rejuvenation
121311213112131COVID-19 vaccineThe January issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology focuses on Aesthetics Treatments, featuring an outstanding line-up of original articles from COVID-19 vaccine to facial rejuvenation. Straight from the JDD Editor’s desk, we share this month’s issue highlights: Aesthetic Office Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan is a proactive approach for aesthetic treatment offices to manage a …
COVID-19 vaccine
ABD Boards During COVID: What’s your plan of attack?
110081100811008ABD BOARD EXAMAs recent dermatology residency graduates like myself are well aware, the landscape is set – we will be taking our boards in October.  Admittedly, when the ABD (American Board of Dermatology) inquired about when residents would like to take the exam, I responded – “July, please”. But as an entity that must look out for the interests of everyone while navigating the challenges of this pand …
COVID-19: The Resident and Program Director Perspective
991599159915THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON DERMATOLOGY RESIDENCYEPI Health has graciously supported the COVID-19 News and Resource Center. On April 22nd, 2020, the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, Derm In-Review, and the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences hosted a live webinar to answer resident concerns during the global coronavirus pandemic. The webinar was moderated by Dr. Adam Friedman, Professor and Interim Chair of Dermatology a …
Got a Difficult Patient? Here’s What to Do!
892089208920difficult patientsA career in medicine starts with a vision of what it will be like to be a doctor—making a difference in the world, doing genuine good, helping people heal, or fostering dignity and compassion for those who are facing the end of their days. The privilege and ability to do these things for others comes at a great personal and financial cost. But we keep our gazes turned to the delayed gratitude we …
difficult patients