dermatology resident

Media Relations in Dermatology
872287228722media relations in dermatologyBecoming a media expert can help grow a dermatology practice. But how and where do you begin? In this 6-part series,  Allison Sit, public relations and communications expert, shares valuable advice on how to get started. Read each part of the series below: Part 1: Five Ways Media Relations Can Help You Build Your Practice Part 2: When to Hire An Agency Part 3: Six Steps to Develop a Med …
media relations in dermatology
The Decision to Start a Practice – Part 1
859185918591new dermatology practiceThe dermatology resident finishing his or her training faces many choices and opportunities for practice. This article reflects the experience of a dermatologist in private practice for over 40 years, covering the key issues in the decision-making process that culminates in a functional and desirable office space. Although this process applies primarily to those in private practice, the specifics …
new dermatology practice
Dos & Don’ts of Industry Relationships
855285528552industry relationships in dermatologyUnfortunately for many residency graduates, a lot of the decisions regarding interactions with industry such as pharmaceutical and medical device sales forces have been made into policies. These are often parallel to the strictures of parents attempting to shelter their children from what is socially perceived as “evil” or “influential,” and in many instances has led to the development …
industry relationships in dermatology
The First Job: Know Your Worth, Market Yourself, Negotiate the Contract
835483548354First job in dermatologyIn a previous article, Dr. Neal Bhatia shared his views and advice on the many options available to dermatology residents after residency training. In this article, he offers further advice to residents on finding their first job, including a primer on understanding employment contracts. Marketing as a Job Candidate The successful job applicant plans ahead and is strategic. The phrase “knowle …
First job in dermatology
Key Opinion Leaders Weigh In: Finding Your First Job After Residency
793479347934SOCU FACULTYThe journey that one embarks upon to become a fully trained physician is not for the faint of heart. It requires you to consistently give your vital resources to an external boundless need that is much greater than the needs of your own small life. Paradoxically, as your energy is emitted in large concentric circles all around you, serving patients, your colleagues, family and friends who hunger t …