dermatology thought leader

Dermatology KOLs on Becoming a Go-To Media Expert
131391313913139Media Expert in DermatologyDermatology KOLs Adam Friedman, MD and Joel L. Cohen, MD, and Heather Onorati, former dermatology magazine editor and managing editor for Pathogens and Immunity journal, share their expert advice on becoming a go-to media expert in the dermatology When Adam Friedman, MD, began his dermatology career, he made the most of every media opportunity that came his way. He sent reporters scientific pap …
Media Expert in Dermatology
Dos & Don’ts of Industry Relationships
855285528552industry relationships in dermatologyUnfortunately for many residency graduates, a lot of the decisions regarding interactions with industry such as pharmaceutical and medical device sales forces have been made into policies. These are often parallel to the strictures of parents attempting to shelter their children from what is socially perceived as “evil” or “influential,” and in many instances has led to the development …
industry relationships in dermatology
So you want to become a KOL?
526526526Becoming a KOLMany dermatologists wonder how best to become a KOL (Key Opinion Leader) or Thought Leader.  While there is no right or wrong way to accomplish this, following are some thoughts on ways to go about it. Ways to Enhance Your Reputation and Become a KOL It is important to have an opinion. This may seem obvious, but many individuals who want to be well thought of avoid expressing any opinion that …
Becoming a KOL