
Thinking of Starting a Derm Practice? Here is How!
139881398813988Dermatology PracticeStarting a dermatology practice is a dream that many dermatologists share. The freedom to decide how and when you work, building a business, increasing physician autonomy, and starting a legacy are some attractive aspects of starting a practice. However, when taking in the immense burden of building a business, things can seem quite daunting and overwhelming. At the 2021 ODAC Dermatology, Aesthet …
Dermatology Practice
An Update on Rhinophyma
996299629962rhinophymaGin nose. Gin blossom. Rum nose. Rum blossom. Brandy nose. Copper nose. Hammer nose. Potato nose. These are some of the disparaging terms that were once used to describe people suffering from rhinophyma. As can be seen, many imply the use of alcohol by the afflicted, which is sadly yet another example of the victim-shaming we so often observe when someone’s appearance or choices make others unco …