
Calciphylaxis – Friday Pop Quiz 5/21
130891308913089 A 65-year-old female patient presents with poorly demarcated, symmetric, very painful patches of erythema and retiform purpura, favoring the thighs and buttocks. Bullae and a dusky gray discoloration developed, as well as the appearance of ulcerations with black, leathery eschars. A skin biopsy of the affected area is suggestive of calciphylaxis. Shortly after, she dies from secondary infectio …
Easing the Management of Atopic Dermatitis
122751227512275Atopic DermatitisDr. Friedman, jack of many trades, Professor and Interim Chair of Dermatology at George Washington University provided an excellent overview of ways to achieve victory over atopic dermatitis (AD). This expert discussion took place during the ODAC Inflammatory Diseases Symposium on December 3, 2020. How could we possibly cover atopic dermatitis in 20 minutes? Well, Dr. Friedman skillfully led us …
Atopic Dermatitis
ODAC Scientific Poster Highlights: Acne & Rosacea
122221222212222acne and rosaceaDuring the 2021 ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference held virtually on January 14th-17th, dermatologists from around the country submitted newly published research findings and novel therapeutics in the areas of acne and rosacea, all presented as part of a virtual scientific poster gallery. We share the highlights of each poster below! Efficacy and Safety of Narrow-spectrum Oral …
acne and rosacea
Patient Buzz: Acne or Papulopustular Rosacea? The Expert Weighs In
106301063010630acne or papulopustular rosaceaPopsugar/Yahoo! Life recently posted an article about papulopustular rosacea and how common it is misdiagnosed. For expert advice on how to correctly diagnose papulopustular rosacea, I consulted dermatologist Linda Stein Gold, MD, director of dermatology clinical research at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, Mich., as well as division head of dermatology at Henry Ford Health System in West …
acne or papulopustular rosacea
Current and Emerging Management Strategies for Vitiligo
104761047610476vitiligoVitiligo is an autoimmune skin disease that affects >3 million individuals in the US and around 74 million worldwide. In addition to physical symptoms such as itch, it can be particularly cosmetically concerning and psychologically distressing. It mainly affects young individuals, where it is estimated that 50% of cases have onset before the age of 20. Importantly, it is associated with other a …