
Developing Constructive Relationships with Industry
606606606relationship with industryUnfortunately for many residency graduates, many of the decisions regarding interactions with pharmaceutical and medical device sales forces have been put into policies. These are often parallel to the strictest of parents attempting to shelter their children from what is socially perceived as “evil” or “influential” which in many instances has led to the development of very poor relations …
relationship with industry
Rethinking Medical Codes of Ethics: What Patients Teach Us
618618618Karen ScullyMedical codes of ethics have traditionally listed standards of behavior for physicians in their care of patients. The American Medical Association lists nine principles, all of which begin with, “A physician shall…”1 These are formal professional standards and obligations, all related to the agency of the physician. In their book, “What Patients Teach, The Everyday Ethics of Health Care …
Karen Scully
Drs. Taub and Fried Discuss the Ethics in Cosmetic Derm – How Much is Too Much?
576576576Richard Fried MDWe were asked to talk about ethics and the issue of when too much cosmetic is too much, and how we notice it and how we react to it. I believe that both of us see things in a similar way and that is there is the objective criteria and the gut criteria. For me the objective criteria or when someone comes in with a great deal of obvious augmentation whether it’s full face, whether it’s lip …
Richard Fried MD