flolan rash

The “Flolan Rash” | Great Cases from the JDD
170671706717067Flolan RashINTRODUCTION Epoprostenol (Flolan) is a last-resort intravenous (IV) medication for the treatment of severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Cutaneous adverse events of Flolan are well-known by pulmonologists, though lacking in dermatologic literature.1 We report an extensive near erythrodermic appearing asymptomatic eruption following long-term use of epoprostenol. This characteristic and …
Flolan Rash
JDD November 2022 Issue Highlights | Lasers, Light Sources, and Devices
167211672116721lasersThe November issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) focuses on lasers, lights sources, and devices featuring original articles and case reports exploring topics such as combination of platelet rich plasma and 1550 nm fractional laser for androgenetic alopecia, safety of combination laser procedures in single clinic visit, efficacy of a fractionated 1540 nm erbium glass laser in the tre …