hair transplant

Hair Restoration in Black Patients | The Expert Weighs In
151651516515165hair restorationAllure recently wrote an article about doctors who are making hair transplantation more accessible for Black patients. What are the unique challenges of hair restoration in Black patients, and which surgical and non-surgical approaches are most effective? To answer questions about hair restoration, I reached out to Shilpi Khetarpal, MD, FAAD, director of cosmetic dermatology and lasers at t …
hair restoration
Patient Buzz: Addressing the Needs Patients with Skin of Color
151141511415114patients with skin of colorThis month’s Patient Buzz includes a variety of articles addressing the needs of patients with skin of color such as hair transplants for black patients, skin cancer risk for black the community and how to find a skin of color expert. Peruse this list of dermatology articles from the mainstream press and be ready for your patients’ questions: Allure: Hair transplants for black p …
patients with skin of color
Hair Restoration: Follicular Unit Transplantation & PRP
143651436514365Hair RestorationDuring the 2021 virtual Skin of Color Conference, Dr. Meena Singh provided a terrific lecture about hair restoration with a focus on follicular unit transplantation and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment. Hair Transplantation First, she introduced the topic by emphasizing that hair transplantation is based on theory of “donor dominance,” which means hair that is transplanted should grow in …
Hair Restoration