Hiring and Firing

Real Advice on Growth from Joel Schlessinger MD, FAAD, FAACS Part 1
554554554growthWhat has been the greatest difficulty you've come across in starting and maintaining your own dermatology practice and in the business of skin care? What about practice growth? The greatest difficulty remains the ongoing challenge to find team members who share the same vision. It is so difficult to determine who will come on and be a productive and integrated team member. While every job inte …
Five Tips for Incorporating Cosmetic Procedures Into A Medical Practice
767767767Cosmetic injectablesThe most rewarding part of my job is making people happy, exceeding their expectations, and improving their self-esteem. In my private practice in Manhattan and Long Island, New York, I specialize in skin cancer treatment and cosmetic dermatology. Although these might seem like polar opposites, in reality I bridge two worlds of medicine whose goals are the same: to help people stay healthy and to …
Cosmetic injectables
How to Spot and Avoid Dealing with Difficult Cosmetic Patients
702702702difficult cosmetic patient Many dermatologists enjoy seeing and treating cosmetic patients. There is the creative artistic aspect to treating these patients, as well as the fairly immediate improvement, minimal downtime and risk, and overall mostly happy patients who pay good money to look their best. However, a cosmetic patient who is not pleased with you or the results they achieved can give you gray hair, or worse, l …
difficult cosmetic patient
Tips for Hiring Staff When Starting a Practice
691691691staff hiringPart 1 of 2 in a series If you are starting a practice from scratch, whether or not you have been in another practice initially, one of the most daunting tasks can be to hire staff. After all, there are so many applications and the individuals generally seem great during the interview process! How does one make the final cut or even start the process? Finding Candidates While it is always possi …
staff hiring
I Wish I Had Known: Being a Doctor is the Easy Part
678678678Doctor-easy-PartI had no idea how to run an office or hire staff. Being a doctor is the easy part. I had no idea how to run an office or hire staff. There was no training for this in medical school or residency. We didn’t even learn coding or billing… I had the naïve impression that I would open an office and somehow everything would fall into place. My first receptionist was bipolar and would yell at the p …