I Wish I Had Known

I Wish I Had Known: Financial Planning
732732732financial planningTwo factors in retrospect that I wish I would've had greater insight into both revolve around financial planning. It's difficult to know upon entering residency, and then transitioning into practice, how some very basic decisions will impact your financial well-being 10, 20, 30, and 40 years down the road as one looks to retire. First, with respect to financial planning related to the practice, I …
financial planning
I Wish I Had Known: How to Make the Most During Residency
627627627make the most residencyHi! Good morning, I'm Naomi Dolly and I'm currently the fellow in Advanced Medical Dermatology at NYU Medical Center. I would like to talk to you today a little bit about your journey as a resident and some things that I [feel] that you should probably do or know while doing your residency. First of all, I know that I should congratulate you on becoming a resident. But just know that your jour …
make the most residency
I Wish I Had Known: 4 Tips for Utilizing Technology in Your Derm Practice
7657657651. Focus on technologies that have a high likelihood of success in common conditions. 2. Have one room where you focus on many devices in the same space so that you can deliver the full buffet of services without moving the patient. 3. Steer people away from procedures that offer little benefit, even if they've read about them in magazines. 4. It’s a bad idea to buy technologies that ar …
I Wish I Had Known: Studying for the Boards
744744744boards studyingStudying for the boards can be an incredibly stressful and daunting time. The Board exam is really a culmination of three years of intense dermatology training. You have been preparing for this exam throughout your entire residency. The weeks or months before the exam should be used as final preparation to review concepts or areas that you are rusty on or never properly learned. Be comfortable wit …
boards studying
I Wish I Had Known: The Importance of Life Outside of Residency
619619619life residencyLife for much of my residency, I struggled to find the right balance between the formidable amount of reading expected of derm residents, and maintaining a healthy life outside of residency. In fact, this was the greatest source of stress for me as a resident. I wish I had known that derm residency is a marathon, not a sprint. So, as tempting as it may be to shoot for ridiculous amounts of study …
life residency