Jeffrey Dover

The Decision Every Graduating Resident Faces
126231262312623fellowshipsIt’s a decision every graduating resident faces: enter the workforce or apply for a fellowship. After more than a decade of higher education, postponing the rewards of a career for another year of training may not seem worthwhile for some. Yet others see a fellowship year as education that will pay dividends throughout their career. “I viewed a fellowship year as an investment in myself,” …
Safely Reopening Derm Practices with Dr. Thomas E. Rohrer
107011070110701Safely Reopening Derm PracticesDr. Jeffrey S. Dover, in partnership with the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, invited a panel of dermatology Key Opinion Leaders to share their experience as they reopen their practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you missed the previous videos in the series, you can watch them here.  We conclude the series with dermatologic surgeon Dr. Thomas E. Rohrer, one of the nation’s leading exper …
Safely Reopening Derm Practices
A Must-Read: The Business of Dermatology
103871038710387Business intellect, a vital aspect of managing a practice, is not taught in residency. From the infancy of their training, dermatologists are trained to think broadly and scrupulously, using each clue, each corporeal sense, and each available tool to accurately diagnose and manage a plethora of cutaneous conditions. After residency, dermatologists set out armed with the knowledge and drive to deli …