
Spotlight On: Deborah S. Sarnoff, MD, FAAD, FACP
542542542What made you decide on a career in dermatology? When I was 16 years old, I had a rash on my trunk, which baffled the pediatrician. When it wasn’t going away, they took me to see Dr. Alvin Friedman-Kien at NYU. From the door, he took one look and told me I had pityriasis rosea. I was fascinated by the sound of the long Latin name and I was hooked. From that moment on, I strived to get good gr …
How to Select Which Laser or Light Device to Buy for Your Practice Post Residency
757757757laser lightAfter residency, you might go into solo practice or join a group practice or academic/hospital based dermatology practice. You may find that you want to offer laser therapy to your patients, but aren’t sure where to start to find the best laser. In this article, I provide a few pearls on how to select which laser or light device to buy for your practice post residency. First, wait and see wh …
laser light
I Wish I Had Known: Equipment Purchases
749749749Equipment PurchasesThere are several areas where it makes sense to save when opening a practice. On the other hand, there are some areas where saving money can be a false economy. When purchasing new equipment for a dermatology practice, the most logical thought is to try to save money and purchase the middle of the road forceps, needle drivers, and other instruments. This is what I did when I first started, but sh …
Equipment Purchases