lichen planopilaris

Hydroxychloroquine Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
795879587958Hydroxychloroquine Cheat SheetWelcome back to another installment of Therapeutic Cheat Sheet – the series where we break down complex therapeutics into an easy-to-use reference.  This month, we turn our focus to hydroxychloroquine and other antimalarials. While this versatile class of drugs has been in use for decades, recent updates to monitoring recommendations have made their use easier than before. Here’s what you ne …
Hydroxychloroquine Cheat Sheet
Primary Cicatricial Alopecias in Black Women
546754675467AlopeciaHair Apparent: A Multi-Part Series on Hair Disorders - Part II If you missed Part I, click here. Dermatology residents from throughout the Washington DC area recently convened at the Georgetown University MedStar Washington Hospital Center Hair Disorders Symposium, where distinguished experts in the field of hair disorders discussed the evaluation, work-up, and treatment of a wide variety of a …