Choosing a Dermatology Office Location | Tips from the Experts
143061430614306Dermatology OfficeChoosing an Office Location Dermatologists who choose to open their own practice have a lot of decisions to make, from selecting a city to choosing the type of office space. With a lease that runs 5 years, 10 years or even longer, these decisions can have long-term implications. I surveyed three dermatologists who have opened their own practices for their top tips on choosing an office locat …
Dermatology Office
Rosacea in Patients with Skin of Color: Not Common, But Certainly Not Rare
142551425514255rosaceaRosacea is defined by facial erythema and telangiectasias, two features that are more difficult to appreciate in patients with skin of color. To refine our ability to diagnose rosacea in all skin types, on day two of the 2021 Skin of Color Update virtual conference, we had an informative, evidence-based lecture, “Recognizing, Diagnosing, and Treating Rosacea in Patients with Skin of Color,” by …
A Candid Conversation on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in Dermatology
138791387913879Equity Diversity and InclusionNext Steps in Derm reached out to dermatologists playing a role in overcoming barriers in equity, diversity and inclusion in dermatology for their insight on the most pressing EDI issues in the field. Issues of injustice and inequality have come to the forefront in our country in the last year, and dermatology is no exception. “It’s truly impressive to realize that for some of us, there� …
Equity Diversity and Inclusion
Teledermatology Visits | Tips & Best Practices
138641386413864teledermatologyMen's Health recently posted an article entitled "Six Tips for a Productive Telehealth Appointment with a Dermatologist." While the article gives patients tips for maximizing their teledermatology appointments, what advice do telemedicine experts have for dermatologists when conducting virtual visits with their patients? I consulted George Han, MD, PhD, director of clinical dermatology and …
Paradigm Shifts in Lab Monitoring
138481384813848Lab Monitoring How to Mitigate Risk without Compromising Care If you were to counsel a patient on every possible risk of a given medication, it would be a long list of extreme and rare potential outcomes and almost certainly leave the patient in doubt whether it is safe even to take. Frequent lab monitoring has been common practice and often used to reduce the perception of risk with systemic medication …
Lab Monitoring