
Six Tips to Becoming a Trusted Media Source
602560256025media sourceYou’ve survived your first media interview. You may have even enjoyed it. But how do you become your area’s go-to expert on all things dermatology? Follow these six tips to becoming a trusted media source. Be Reliable Always, always, always respond to reporter inquiries as soon as possible. While most print reporters have longer deadlines for their feature stories, TV reporters are typically …
media source
Seven Tips for a Successful Media Interview
572657265726interview tipsSpeaking with the media can give even the most confident dermatologist anxiety, but there is no need to fear. Relax and remember these seven tips for successful interviews. 1. Let the Reporter Lead and Don’t Be Pushy Remember – this is not your story. This is the reporter’s story. As a source, you are a vital part of the story, but you are not the one calling the shots. Whatever you do, do …
interview tips
Three Steps to Developing Key Messages
547254725472media relations dermatologyIn the last delivery of my Media Relations in Dermatology series, I covered how to develop a media pitch. So now that you’ve landed a media interview about dermatology, you are probably wondering what's next. Just like in job interviewing, the trick is to be prepared. Developing key messages helps you determine in advance the main message you want to communicate and its supporting facts. These a …
media relations dermatology
6 Steps to Develop a Media List and Pitch
515451545154Media PitchIn my previous articles, I’ve addressed reasons for working with the media as a means of promoting your dermatology practice, when you should consider hiring a media relations agency, and what media relations tactics you can do yourself. If you’ve decided you want to try working with the media directly, here are six steps to getting started: 1. Build your media list. Create a list of repo …
Media Pitch
Dermatology Media Relations: When to Hire an Agency
483848384838media relations and press relations in dermatology and SanovaWorksDermatology Media Relations - Part II So you want to participate in media articles as a means of growing your dermatology practice. Time to call the professionals, right? Not necessarily. Here are three situations when to use a media relations agency and four tactics that you can do on your own. When to use an agency: You’re in a large media market. If you’re in a large metro area, you wil …
media relations and press relations in dermatology and SanovaWorks