media pitch

Media Relations in Dermatology
872287228722media relations in dermatologyBecoming a media expert can help grow a dermatology practice. But how and where do you begin? In this 6-part series,  Allison Sit, public relations and communications expert, shares valuable advice on how to get started. Read each part of the series below: Part 1: Five Ways Media Relations Can Help You Build Your Practice Part 2: When to Hire An Agency Part 3: Six Steps to Develop a Med …
media relations in dermatology
6 Steps to Develop a Media List and Pitch
515451545154Media PitchIn my previous articles, I’ve addressed reasons for working with the media as a means of promoting your dermatology practice, when you should consider hiring a media relations agency, and what media relations tactics you can do yourself. If you’ve decided you want to try working with the media directly, here are six steps to getting started: 1. Build your media list. Create a list of repo …
Media Pitch