media relations in dermatology

Dermatology KOLs on Becoming a Go-To Media Expert
131391313913139Media Expert in DermatologyDermatology KOLs Adam Friedman, MD and Joel L. Cohen, MD, and Heather Onorati, former dermatology magazine editor and managing editor for Pathogens and Immunity journal, share their expert advice on becoming a go-to media expert in the dermatology When Adam Friedman, MD, began his dermatology career, he made the most of every media opportunity that came his way. He sent reporters scientific pap …
Media Expert in Dermatology
Navigating Media Relations in Dermatology: Do’s and Don’ts from the Experts
133671336713367media relations in dermatologyMedia-savvy dermatologists, reporters and editors who cover the specialty share insightful tips on navigating media relations in dermatology. Talk to any media savvy dermatologist and you’ll hear stories of interview successes – coverage that was fair and accurate – as well as interview disappointments. “You say something, they take a snippet and it’s put in not exactly the way you …
media relations in dermatology
Media Relations in Dermatology
872287228722media relations in dermatologyBecoming a media expert can help grow a dermatology practice. But how and where do you begin? In this 6-part series,  Allison Sit, public relations and communications expert, shares valuable advice on how to get started. Read each part of the series below: Part 1: Five Ways Media Relations Can Help You Build Your Practice Part 2: When to Hire An Agency Part 3: Six Steps to Develop a Med …
media relations in dermatology