
Got a Difficult Patient? Here’s What to Do!
892089208920difficult patientsA career in medicine starts with a vision of what it will be like to be a doctor—making a difference in the world, doing genuine good, helping people heal, or fostering dignity and compassion for those who are facing the end of their days. The privilege and ability to do these things for others comes at a great personal and financial cost. But we keep our gazes turned to the delayed gratitude we …
difficult patients
The Cardinal Rules of Finding a Mentor: Part One
460246024602Finding a MentorIsn’t There an App for This?! Finding a Mentor in the Time of Tinder From our first hand held on the playground and our braces-clanking first kiss, all the way to that potential walk down the aisle. Every tear-filled break-up, steamy night, or dating mishap in between. We spend an incredible amount of time finding that perfect mate. We embrace the struggles of dating and let’s face it, they b …
Finding a Mentor