Michael J. Visconti DO

Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Cutaneous Surgery Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
203202032020320Antibiotic ProphylaxisThe use of antimicrobial therapy in the field of cutaneous surgery can be a difficult and controversial topic. Overall, there are a lack of randomized controlled clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of antimicrobial prophylaxis within our field. As a result, much of the recommendations for antimicrobial prophylaxis are extrapolated from other fields, such as dentistry, cardiology, and orthopedi …
Antibiotic Prophylaxis
The Wound Healing Response Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
202592025920259wound healingFollowing numerous office-based dermatologic procedures, erythema, swelling, and scarring are often feared complications experienced by our patients. Understanding the wound healing response is synonymous with understanding the stages of healing and ultimately the clinical appearance of each wound. Possessing and sharing a firm grasp on this knowledge allows for patient empowerment during the woun …
wound healing
Dermabrasion Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
182051820518205dermabrasionAt its core, dermabrasion is the application of an abrasive surface to the skin with the goal of inciting cutaneous injury to subsequently induce a healing response. This relationship is utilized in dermabrasion to promote improved complexion, contour, and appearance of the skin in the treatment of acne scarring, surgical scarring, destruction of benign cutaneous lesions, as well as a secondary re …