5-Fluorouracil Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
120201202012020FluoroplexActinic keratoses represent the most common dermatologic diagnosis in patients older than 45 years old in the United States and account for 5.2 million visits annually.1 Cutaneous field cancerization represents areas with a high burden of both clinical and subclinical actinic damage. Cryotherapy can often be combined with topical chemotherapy for a synergistic approach. We continue our series, The …
Mycophenolate Mofetil Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
115881158811588Mycophenolate MofetilWhen standard treatment options fail and corticosteroids are not a long-term option, dermatologists often have to look back to their tool-kit and pull out the “big guns.” Mycophenolate mofetil has emerged as a promising immunosuppressive agent for severe immune-mediated and inflammatory dermatologic disease. We continue our series, Therapeutic Cheat Sheet, with a closer look at mycophenolate m …
Mycophenolate Mofetil