
Financial Matters Part 2 – Saving During Residency
723723723financial savingSaving during residency and fellowship can be difficult – many training programs are in large cities where the cost of living, transportation, food and rent can be quite high. With each step, we continue our journey of becoming experienced doctors, however at some point we feel lost because we don’t receive much financial planning advice. With medical school debt on our shoulders and specialty …
financial saving
Financial Matters Part 1 – Repaying Loans
722722722loansA comprehensive understanding of the repayment process for paying back student loans is essential in building a solid financial foundation early on. It’s important to remember that student loans are real loans, just like mortgages on your house or a loan for your car. You must repay student loans even if financial circumstances become difficult or you’re facing unexpected hardships. Unfortunat …
Weighing Your Values: Time vs Money
609609609Time vs MoneyNo one I know decided to become a physician to be rich or famous. It’s a calling and a passion and we’re fighting hard to keep it that way. Being a dermatologist is a little different than many other fields of medicine because we also have a subset of us that practice aesthetic medicine as part or all of our area of expertise. The draw to aesthetics, selling products and performing procedures …
Time vs Money