national drug codes

Claim Denials and Appeal Procedures
654865486548medical billingRecently, it was brought to my attention that some in the medical billing field refer to denials as either a hard or soft denial. I stubbornly insisted that denials are denials and need to be worked. Upon researching, soft denials are those that can still be fought or appealed while a hard denial is the end of the line, there is nowhere to go, and the claim will not be paid. How to Avoid Claim De …
medical billing
National Drug Codes -NDC’s
617061706170National Drug Code’sAs if getting paid for your services wasn’t hard enough, how does a provider receive reimbursement for the drugs administered in the office? NDC’s are the National Drug Code’s given by the FDA to identify each drug manufactured for humans. Any drug that is considered an over the counter drug, or OTC, is given this code that is broken down into 3 numerical groupings. The first, being the …
National Drug Code’s