natural medicines for acne

Patient Buzz Series: Skincare Ingredients from Your Pantry
146001460014600skincare ingredientsThis month’s Patient Buzz includes articles about the latest trendy ingredients in skincare products, and some of them come from the pantry. Does science support claims that turmeric can improve sun-damaged skin and conditions such as acne, eczema or psoriasis? Can licorice root extract serve as a gentler way to lighten the skin? Be prepared for your patients’ questions by perusing this lis …
skincare ingredients
Botanical Medicine in Dermatology: Safety, Availability, and Evidence
121241212412124botanical medicine in dermatologyThe history of botanical medicine dates back to hundreds of thousands of years ago. The many beneficial properties of plants have recently been incorporated into pharmaceuticals. Reviewing the pathophysiology of certain skin diseases such as acne, we can understand how herbal medicine may be a beneficial adjunctive treatment. Specifically, pomegranate juice has the potential to attenuate oxidative …
botanical medicine in dermatology