nodulocystic acne

Isotretinoin in Acne: Fact vs Fiction
114011140111401IsotretinoinDr. Lester is the Director of the Skin of Color Program at the Department of Dermatology University of California San Francisco. Wow! This means we got a “two for one special” from her lecture, not only learning about the truths and myths associated with the use of isotretinoin in acne but also recognizing that those who are underrepresented minorities or socioeconomically disadvantaged may no …
Isotretinoin Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
878687868786Isotretinoin Cheat SheetIsotretinoin can provide a definitive cure for many patients with severe or recalcitrant acne, as well as other conditions.  However, dosing and lab monitoring practices for this drug vary widely.  In this installment of our Therapeutic Cheat Sheet series, we set the record straight on isotretinoin. [caption id="attachment_8787" align="alignleft" width="1275"] Click image to enlarge or downlo …
Isotretinoin Cheat Sheet