
Skincare Mondays | Oat for Oncology Patients
173181731817318Dermatologic side effects are among the most frequent unexpected side effects of cancer treatments.1,2 Targeted therapies are associated with a lower incidence of systemic adverse events, but a higher incidence of dermatological AEs - including acneiform rash and pruritus.3 Skin toxicities can have a dramatic negative impact on QOL and overall success of treatment therapies.3 Skin toxicities oft …
Skincare Mondays | Colloidal Oatmeal: Composition, Benefits & Mechanism of Action
165951659516595Colloidal OatmealColloidal oatmeal has a long history of use in the treatment of dermatologic disease. Oat is composed of various phytochemicals which contribute to its wide-ranging function and clinical use in atopic dermatitis and other skin conditions resulting from an impaired skin barrier and inflammation. OAT COMPOSITION & BENEFITS The main components of colloidal oatmeal are polysaccharides (including …
Colloidal Oatmeal