oats moisturizer

Skincare Mondays | Oat for Oncology Patients
173181731817318Dermatologic side effects are among the most frequent unexpected side effects of cancer treatments.1,2 Targeted therapies are associated with a lower incidence of systemic adverse events, but a higher incidence of dermatological AEs - including acneiform rash and pruritus.3 Skin toxicities can have a dramatic negative impact on QOL and overall success of treatment therapies.3 Skin toxicities oft …
166071660716607colloidal oatmealOatmeal has been used as a skin care ingredient since 2000 BC in ancient Egypt, where whole oats were used in soothing baths. Colloidal oat has been the subject of dedicated skin care research starting in the 1950s. After > 30 clinical studies comprised of over 3000 patients including conditions associated with a compromised skin barrier, colloidal oat is now recognized as a skin protectant by …
colloidal oatmeal