online reviews

Burning out from One-Star Reviews, the new battleground
804580458045Many Faces of BurnoutOne of the most talked-about causes of burnout, aside from how many of us are too tired even though we sleep at home instead of at the hospital, is dealing with the difficult patient. It is a paradox because customers choose to do business with a certain establishment, and customer service is a business idea developed to attract and retain profits.  However, a physician’s obligation to patients …
Many Faces of Burnout
The Online Review

643464346434online reviewsCreate a Strategy and Team-Up with Technology Negative reviews may be one of the most frustrating experiences for a doctor. From a patient unhappy with the front desk staff, the parking situation, the price of their Rx, to the amount of one-on-one time with the doctor, unrealistic treatment expectations, or just because the patient is having a bad day. In today’s world your online reputation …
online reviews