OTC products

Patient Buzz: The Sephora Kids Craze | The Expert Weighs In
214462144621446sephora kidsGood Morning America was one of several media outlets who covered the Sephora kids craze, where tweens shop for and use skincare products made for adult skin. What factors led up to the craze? How should dermatologists modify their approach when treating tweens and teens? For expert advice, I reached out to Brandi Kenner-Bell, MD, assistant professor of dermatology and pediatrics at Northweste …
sephora kids
Skincare Mondays | Diversity Under the Sun
162021620216202Suncare is important for every skin tone. The risk of sunburn correlates with skin tone - not ethnicity. Sunburn experiences differ across ethnicities. An online survey of 3,597 adults who identified as White, Black, Hispanic and Asian showed sunburns occur across all ethnicities - even the darkest skin tones, but the experience is very different.1 Those who identified as White reported “ski …
Skincare Mondays | Sensitive Skin
159171591715917sensitive skinWhy are your patients so sensitive?   71% of adults have self-declared sensitive skin.1 While differences in how people perceive skin sensitivity exist, most say they have sensory effects, such as itching, burning, stinging, tightness and dryness.2  Due to the subjective nature of sensitive skin, diagnosis is complex and there is often a disconnect between what subjects feel and what medical …
sensitive skin
Developing a Patient-Centered Acne Management Plan
146641466414664Acne patientOvercoming Barriers to Acne Treatment Adherence There is a wealth of research into the psychology of the acne patient, which may be used to speak with patients more effectively and ultimately lead to better treatment outcomes. Despite the fact that acne has a high emotional impact on patients, adherence to acne treatment plans is surprisingly low (in 1 study, 27% of patients didn’t even fill th …
Acne patient